This is the blog of AlanJC, aka ChimeraX. Probably mumblings of a random nature, but there may be the rare useful post.

Thursday 19 March 2009 goes live

I don't really know why I bought this domain, $10 per year for the domain, and a front to Google Apps sounded interesting though.

I'm also interested in how we could use Google at work, so seeing how the whole package works on a domain level is good for me, as I can answer people's questions without having to research everything all the time.

Sites integration for sharing seems very good, especially how you can share to different people for different sites, keep them hidden from the public, or open it up for all.

Anyway, still working out what I will do with this now I have it, so check back from time to time to see how I'm getting on :)

(If you actually care of course)

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