This is the blog of AlanJC, aka ChimeraX. Probably mumblings of a random nature, but there may be the rare useful post.

Sunday 10 May 2009

Has Twitter replaced IM?

I just went to look at Windows Live Messenger, and Google Talk, seeing who was about, and I have hardly anyone showing online.

Maybe I’m just Billy No Mates, but I am actively commenting on Twitter, and getting replies, and also sending emails.

Now corporations are just starting to roll out IM and presence on their networks, are they already obsolete?

It seems as though the status generation has abandoned IM, why talk to 1 person when you can put a comment out there for all of your network to reply to, and if you do need to message an individual, you can still direct message, sms, email, and so on.

Thinking about my usage nowadays, I would say there are only a handful of people I bother to chat with on IM now, and even then, the preferred method is VOIP, IM is if they are AFK or can’t talk, but showing online.

I have cleared out my online contacts many times over the past year or so, removing people who I never seem to chat to anymore, or have started chatting to on other mediums, how long before my list only includes those closest to me?

Strange times indeed folks.

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