This is the blog of AlanJC, aka ChimeraX. Probably mumblings of a random nature, but there may be the rare useful post.

Friday 8 May 2009

It's Star Trek Jim, but not as we know it!

OK, so I am a bit of a fanboy, I went to see the new Star Trek last night.

I'm not a trekkie, I just love scifi in nearly all its guises.

That out of the way, what did I think? It was the best Trek ever! Seriously. I don't see how they could make it any better. It had the epic cinematography from the original films, the planet busting, Federation destroying threats that made the earlier ones so good, and you guessed it, the Enterprise and her crew were all that stood in the way.

Something was lost in the more recent films, they just came across as very long episodes of The Next Generation, and the last few of the original franchise were laughable, but JJ Abrams has not only managed to capture the spirit of the original series, and feel of the earlier films, he's managed to improve upon it. Sure, some of that is bound to be in the special effects available now, but even the interaction between the cast members had everyone in the audience, myself included, getting all nostalgic when you heard certain phrases, and saw mannerisms. The cast complimented this perfectly, and obviously a lot of hard work went into their parts.

The film obeyed the unwritten Star Trek rules too, with dilithium crystals, red ones die, McCoy being asked to do non docterly things, and so on. They even observed a few things that true nerds and geeks usually criticise in other films, like in space, you can't hear anything! I must be a real geek because when that happened, I immediately thought wow, realism!

Anyway, I could prattle on about this for ages, but I would likely give away too many spoilers, so for now, I suggest you go and watch this, even if you only have a mild attraction to scifi films. You don't have to have seen any of the other films, as this restarts the lot, and opens the door to a whole new franchise with this new, yet very familiar ship and crew.

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